Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Email Marketers Get PAID More with Me. PERIOD

In the wide changing world of Affiliate Marketing, one thing is for certain. The top paying offers go to the top performing Affiliates or "publishers".

This is the case with everything I have to offer to my pubs. If you are a good email pub, ppc pro, or have a system or way to generate the traffic, I can SIMPLY get you PAID far more.

We have the offers, I have access to who can work with these offers. As I put this out there, I am looking for solid and credible email and ppc marketers that want to make a ton of money with the highest payouts working directly with exclusive and private offerings.

If this is you, please do the following:

1) Register for an account: http://edworldwide.com
2) Then you need to be approved, takes up to 48 hours. We have been in the online Affiliate Marketing game since 1994 - and do not tolerate any fraud or shifty marketing practices. Once approved...
3) You will be contacted by myself or my highly trained Affiliate Managers to work with you on getting you the specific unique offers that you can earn the most from.
4) If you are capable of generating more than 100 leads a day, or per campaign, be sure to request me directly in the notes/comments of your Registration. I can get you testing private offerings for my clients, and get off to a very profitable venture together.

Note: While we offer amazing offers to our Network, having the direct relationship with your Affiliate Manager is key.

Now that being said, and put out there... let me give you some examples.

CLIENT A has an offer that is requested to be marketed by PPC. This offer has a heavy CPA payout, but needs necessary performance criteria to be hit. As those are hit, the earnings are even higher for the publisher or affiliate.

We work with one, two or a few (based on needed volumes) publishers/affiliates to bring in the traffic to the offer.

As it proves out, we get to see how many CPA actions each publisher/affiliate can generate and what the performance is. As this happens the earnings can increase accordingly.

Very effective to get a winning relationship between the Client - US - and you the Publisher. Then as you can, we get you more and more such situations to build up your revenues.

NOW, this may be elementary to some that have been in this game, but more and more I am finding Publishers that have yet to be under such care. So I am blogging it out there, and saying the following points...

1) We have the offers, private/direct
2) We have created heavy payouts to individual publishers of more than $100K weekly with this model... and
3) We have room for several more top quality, honest and effective email/ppc and niche online marketing publishers/affiliates.

If you are a Super Affiliate by definition, and know it, and you aren't working with us already... you by far are losing out in huge commissions available by having the right business model method in place to benefit what you have to offer the entire online sales/marketing process.

Looking forward to those that found/find this, and those looking for the right offers to market with.

This is not just any open Affiliate Marketing program... this is HIGH PAYOUTS, effective and LONG TERM solutions for Publishers/Affiliates to make serious money by alignment with the right organization.

See you soon!


ALSO - check out our killer incentive and give-aways (performance based)!

Welcome to UniqueLeads.Com and the Marketing Team that has your pockets in mind... and how to make them FILTHY RICH with CASH!!!

See us at http://affiliateconvention.com

See us at http://affiliatesummit.com

See us at http://adtech.com

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